Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can't never could

I am a guilty mom. When Sophia and I are in the car, I let her play her games on my iPhone. Sometimes she'll catch a few minutes of her videos that are loaded on there (Winnie the Pooh, Elmo, Dora, Veggie Tales...).

It's amazing how quickly kids pick up technology. A month ago she had no clue how to operate the phone. I could pick a game, start it up for her and she would be happy playing it for whatever duration of time we were in the car. Somewhere between July and August she figured out how to pick out and start her own games, end them, and start a new one, and even found her videos on her own.

I guess she forgot all of that today. As we were driving home from My Gym she asked for the green phone. I gave it to her and quickly regretted it. You see, I had found this neat, FREE iPhone puzzle app. for toddlers. She liked the free one but wanted the one that had the train and the fairies. So I forked over .99 cents to iTunes and got her the full version. It's been drama ever since.

Today she told me "I can't, I can't, I can't...Mommy, I can't do it" and then broke out in a huge crying fit. I wish I could have pulled the car over and given her a hug but it was impossible in that moment. Instead I gave her a pep talk about how "can't never could" and "you can do anything you put your mind to" and "you can be anything you dream of being". She's two. I don't know if she got that message..I hope and pray that she did. Somewhere inside my spirit broke just a little..for several reasons: 1. How does she know she CAN'T do something at the age of 2? Where did she learn this? and 2. The drama is already starting.

This little episode made me realize I have to be mindful every minute of every day of how I'm behaving. Little eyes are watching, right?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Damaged Goods

Last week was a pretty busy week for the Schafer's. Jeff had to go to Vancouver for business so Sophia and I went to Sugar and Papa's house (that would be my parents). On Monday morning we dropped J off at DFW and made our way to Hope. Sophia was a great traveling companion...we only sang Twinkle, Twinkle a dozen times, said hi to all the cows and horses along the way and ate more than our share of gummy bears. It was a lot of fun.

We came back to Texas so we could pick up J on Thursday night and on Friday we headed back to Hope for the annual Watermelon Festival. My aim was to have a "slice of the good life" and see dad compete in the Politically Correct Watermelon Eating Contest.

Dad won the contest, but I never got my slice of the good life. So disappointed. Will have to make a trip back just to get some of that good ol' Hope melon.

My little brother was in Illinois with his wife and in-laws so my dad was supposed to preach the sermon at their church on Sunday. He had spent every evening at the church working on his sermon and was getting to be a little frustrated by Saturday night. I asked him what his topic was and he told me it was about learning to see people through God's eyes. Well, it must have been God because that previous Friday my daily devotion in my inbox was on Damaged Goods. How we are so quick to label people based on what we see.

Funny that my dad chose this topic to preach on because I've been dealing with this lately with a particular person. I feel such guilt that I have such ugly feelings toward this individual and I'm praying daily that God help me find the good in them..some days it's just so hard.

Romans 15:15, "May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other – each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Say a prayer

Please say a prayer for this family. Their 4 year old daughter lost her battle with cancer yesterday. I cannot imagine the heartache and pain they are suffering right now.